Some Recent Events
Quick update on a couple of interesting things that have happened recently:
Firstly I managed to take last week off for a much needed break (hence the lack of updates). It wasn't long enough.
Yesterday, just after I got back, I went along to the first London Django/Rails meetup - which included many interesting discussions with many interesting people and an impromptu django demonstration from Simon. Most people there seemed to be just starting to learn the frameworks, or just using them for rapid prototyping, but it can only be a matter of time before production code is being deployed. The meetup is now a monthly thing, and should only get better as the technology develops (and people get more experience of using it).
And just before I went away, Cal was in London and I got two changes to see him speak. On Tuesday he gave a talk at work about the processes and culture behind Flickr. Then on Thursday I saw him talk at a Carson Workshop event about the more technical side of things. Both talks were packed with incredible amounts of useful information, and now I'm back I'm looking back at my notes and thinking a lot about both talks - hopefully I'll write more here soon